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Je suis rentré vendredi matin. Le 29 février. Pfuittt!!! Sept mois d'absence! Il faisait froid, il y avait de la neige partout mais nada! Je n'ai rien senti. Et puis, il y avait mon âme soeur! J'ai couru, non, volé dans ses bras. Je n'en pouvais plus de tant d'absence. Non, plus du tout.

J'ai perdu un sac. Enfin, je me suis fait volé un sac avec toute ma musique, mes CDs, mes DVDs. Juste à Riobamba, as I was leaving the city, in a cab. Well, things happen.

It was a long trip back home. Riobamba, Quito, Miami, Montreal, Alma, Montreal, and then home. I spent a week in Montreal the first time and then four days in Alma. The debriefing was quite something, intense, busy, cold. Alma is colder than Montreal.

Home is sweet. It is home. I cannot describe the feeling, I am now discovering my house. Jenster made it home. I can get some rest and with the two weeks I have before I start working again, I have plenty of time to "come back."

I am happy. However, it is not easy when you leave your wife a month after you got married to go to work in a different country. I strongly recommend not to do such a thing. We now have seven months to catch up.

Peace out,

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